Croyland Governors
Just what are school governors for?
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the school's governing body to you and to explain our role. The role of the chair of governors is, among others, to co ordinate monitoring activities, chair our meetings, be the delegated signatory on behalf of the governors and to act as a representative of the governing body when dealing with OFSTED and other statutory bodies.
Our current Chair of Governors is Mrs Tracy Elliott. Contact:
Croyland's Governing Body
Name |
Governor type |
Dates of office from/to |
Lucy Deakin- | HT | 25.09.2013 | |
Tracy Elliott- Chair of Governors- | Co-opted | 07.02.2019 | 06.02.2023 |
Valerie Anslow- | Co-opted | 06.12.2018 | 05.12.2022 |
Graham Lawman- | Co-opted | 09.07.2019 | 08.07.2023 |
Adam Henley- | Co-opted | 19.01.2022 | 18.01.2026 |
Matthew Cutlack | Parent Governor | 26.03.2023 | 25.03.2027 |
Helen Dabrowski | Clerk |
Croyland School is an inclusive school and the governing body welcomes constructive criticism and contributions from everybody, after all, parent governors are elected by the parents of Croyland's children.
School Governors are a statutory body with responsibility for setting the strategic direction for the school, monitoring the performance of the school's leadership team, monitor and ensure that standards are met, maintained and improved upon, ensure that the school's finance are kept under control and to question and challenge decisions. We also review, investigate and manage complaints and disciplinary issues. Fortunately, in the latter two points, we have not been called upon very often since the Senior Leadership Team manage the school in a highly effective manner.
Governors have to declare any financial, business or personal interests and step out of any meetings in which they may have a conflict of interest.
Generally, we are described as "critical friends".
We do not get involved in the day to day management of the school, after all, the majority of us are not teachers. We cannot (and do not) tell the staff how to do their jobs. Croyland School is managed very well by a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals and the governing body would like to thank every child, every parent, and every member of staff for their hard work.