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“Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?” Michael Palin

Geography at Croyland is designed to inspire our pupils to have a curiosity about the world and its people, whilst giving them the knowledge and skills to pursue this interest

Geography at Croyland Primary School

We use the Chris Quigley Curriculum Companion to support teacher subject knowledge and set the pitch and content for our teaching. This has helped us to deliver a Geography curriculum which  builds year-on-year, ensuring that knowledge, skills and understanding is securely embedded. The vocabulary taught in each unit has also been carefully mapped out to support this.


Alongside the units provided by Chris Quigley, we have added additional units which we feel are prevalent to the community our school serves. For example, our contrasting locality study in Year 2 focusses in on Africa; we enhance most units with a comparison or exploration of the human and physical features of life in Wellingborough and Northamptonshire.  Ensuring that our Geography curriculum is relevant and meaningful for our children has been at the core of our curriculum design.


In order to inspire our children with a love of Geography we have embedded fieldwork throughout our units of work to develop cultural capital and varied opportunities to experience hands-on Geography. We want children to enjoy and love learning about geography by gaining knowledge about the world and their place in it, as well as encouraging a passion about the future of our planet and the changes we can make.