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We hope that our PE provision supports our children to become physically literate:  have a desire to lead active lifestyles in the future and become aware of the benefits of exercise.

Physical Education at Croyland Primary School

All pupils at Croyland Primary School receive 2 hours of PE teaching per week. One hour is for outdoor PE and another hour is used for indoor PE. As a school we use the iMoves scheme of work to plan, deliver and assess our pupil’s progress in PE. We have chosen to use iMoves as it offers a breadth of activities, sports and challenges for pupils of all ages. In addition to this, iMoves includes professional development videos and documents which ensure that our staff feel confident in the teaching of PE. The PE curriculum has been designed carefully to ensure that all children develop a love for learning and being physically active.

In EYFS and KS1, an emphasis is placed upon developing pupil’s agility, balance and coordination. Pupils will learn to use skills in these areas in isolation and then utilise these skills in combination. For example, pupils, in EYFS children will learn how to complete a static balance. However, pupils will develop this skill in Years 1 and 2 by using a static balance in a sequence of movements.

In lower key stage 2, pupils will be taught the fundamental skills that are required to be successful in sports specific lessons. Lessons will not be sports specific but will aim to equip our pupils with the relevant skills and knowledge to compete in the future. Pupils will also continue to embed the agility, balance and coordination skills previously taught in dance and gymnastics lessons. In Years 3 and 4 pupils will be expected to use agility, balance and coordination in combination to create a sequence of movements.

In Years 5 and 6, pupils will be taught sports specific lessons where they use the skills that have been amassed in the previous years. Pupils in these years will be challenged to compete and we hope to broaden pupil’s horizons to compete in sports for the school and in the community.  Pupils will also have the opportunity to reflect on their performances and suggest improvements.

All pupils in Key stage 2 will also have the opportunity to attend swimming lessons locally and we aim for as many as possible to be able to swim 25m by the end of their primary schooling.

By delivering this PE curriculum we hope to empower our pupils to become lifelong participants in sport and physical activity.